Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Brian, is that you?

I've got an appointment to see a neurologist at the beginning of September.  First day of school.  I hope I can remember it.
In the last 30 days I've completely forgotten two appointments that I'd made for various things.  It wasn't until several days later that I was aware that I'd forgotten them.  I knew about them before.  I reminded myself a couple of times leading up to the dates.  And then it was all gone.  I looked at my calendar and noticed that I had something written in for a previous day and thought to myself "I don't remember doing anything that day.  What do I have written on the calendar?"
Oh, damn.  I had an appointment.  I was supposed to go and get a mammogram done.  Shit.
Panic sets in.  I start feeling my body to see if I have clothes on.  Yup, I do.  So, nope, I'm not asleep and having one of those "missed your exam while naked" dreams.  Damn.  This isn't like me.  I don't normally just completely forget appointments.
Brian, is that you?  Are you responsible for this forgetfulness?
My head hurts.  I have a headache.  I get headaches all the time.  I'm talking several times a month.  Thankfully, Advil and Tylenol seem to really help.  T3 helps when those other two aren't enough.  I was told and believed they were hormonal migraines.  But now I'm not so sure.
Brian, is that you?  Are you the reason why my head hurts?
When my head hurts, I feel like I'm only partly connected to this plane of existence.  It's hard to explain or describe.  Best analogy I can come up with involves the term "opacity" like one would use for a paintbrush tool in some Photoshop type of program.  When my head doesn't hurt and I'm not sick, my mind and body have 100% opacity.  I feel completely here.  When my head is hurting, depending on how bad, I start to feel somewhere between 70 and 60% opacity.  Like I'm mostly here, but there is a chunk of me floating off somewhere in the ether.  And it's really exhausting and takes a lot of effort to concentrate and be more here. Which doesn't really work, so I'm still not completely connected and now I'm really tired.
Brian, is that you?  Are you dragging my consciousness away?
And then there are those times where my stomach feels off (comes with the headaches).
I'm nauseous, but I don't feel like I'm going to throw up [and I don't].  My tummy just feels icky.  I have no appetite.
Brian, is that you?  How the hell did you get into my belly?  Why?
My left eye bothers me sometimes.  It gets dry and sore.  It often feels like there is something in it, but I can never ever find anything.  It lasts for about three days and then goes away ... then comes back again about a month later.  No rhyme or reason to it.  I end up pulling out a few eyelashes because it feels like one of them must be poking me in the eye.  But it's only ever the left eye.  Never the right.
Brian, is that you?  Are you messing with my eye?
When I feel good, I don't think about Brian at all.  But now, whenever I have any ache or pain or feel off, I can't help but wonder if it's just some random thing or is Brian responsible for it.
I don't think I've gotten completely ridiculous with it yet.  I was farting away the other night, but I blamed that on the chilli that I ate and not Brian.  He gets a pass on that one.  At least for now.

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